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WCG Gas Metal Arc Welding GMAW

ID : 5789   
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Introduction to Gas Metal Arc Welding, often referred to as MIG.  Course provides lecture and lab instruction in safety as well as utilizing the GMAW short circuit process. Lab provides direct hands-on applications in multiple positions in accordance with American Welding Society specifications, lecture provides operational theory with emphasis on safety. Student weld quality meeting or exceeding code requirements may be able to perform testing in this process. Skills acquired in GMAW are utilized with an introduction to spray and pulsed transfers.  Students should expect an emphasis on safety, quality, and employment skills development.  Lab and lecture provides operational theory and contrasts of the three GMAW processes, their utilization and application.  Meeting or exceeding weld quality specifications as outlined by the American Welding Society are a requirement prior to testing.Introduction to Gas Metal Arc Welding, often referred to as MIG.  Course provides lecture and lab instruction in safety as well as utilizing the GMAW short circuit process. Lab provides direct hands-on applications in multiple positions in accordance with American Welding Society specifications, lecture provides operational theory with emphasis on safety. Student weld quality meeting or exceeding code requirements may be able to perform testing in this process. Skills acquired in GMAW are utilized with an introduction to spray and pulsed transfers.  Students should expect an emphasis on safety, quality, and employment skills development.  Lab and lecture provides operational theory and contrasts of the three GMAW processes, their utilization and application.  Meeting or exceeding weld quality specifications as outlined by the American Welding Society are a requirement prior to testing.


Class Details

16 Session(s)
Weekly - Tue, Thu

New Kent RCC Site

Justin Allen 

CEUs : 4.8



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
1/14/2025 - 3/6/2025 Weekly - Tue, Thu 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM New Kent, New Kent RCC Site  Map Justin Allen 

Other Class Offerings

WCG Gas Metal Arc Welding GMAW
ID: 5896

03/31/25 - 05/21/25
Weekly - Mon, Wed
16 sessions.